CLIENT: Silver Youth Voyage
FROM: Hervey Bay to Manly
DATE: 29 September 2022
POSITION: Big Sandhills, Moreton Is
REPORT BY: White Watch
Our first watch today was 12:00am to 4:00am and it was super relaxed and we had great chats. After this, we all went back to bed before awaking again to start the day. The night before we had sailed partially through the night, and we woke up this morning to the gorgeous sight of Tangalooma. Breakfast today was a wonderful combination of cereal, porridge, bacon, eggs, and toast.
We went onto the beach for a couple of hours to give the seasick kids a break and for a bit of a pause from the hard sailing from the day before. Some of us played soccer and beach volleyball and braided each other’s hair on the sand. Trying to get back to the ship was chaotic as the waves turned feral and it was difficult to stay steady in the muddled waves trying to get us soaked. We finally got back to the ship dishevelled and sodden but were greeted by a wonderful meal of burritos by our cook, Louise.
After this we had a short break and then set to work putting up the sails and preparing to travel again. Blue watch practiced tacking the ship for an hour, and then when White watch had our shift, we practiced the same thing. Watches alternated between this and learning navigation downstairs with their watch leaders, sustained by appealing lamingtons from Louise.
For dinner we had beef hot pot and mash and washed it down with a ‘healthy’ desert or peaches and custard. As we write this log we are surrounded by laughs of the friends we have made along with this journey and can feel the happiness radiating from each other as we come to the end of our journey.