CLIENT: Gold Youth Voyage
FROM: Manly to Manly via Bundaberg
DATE: 16 December 2021
POSITION: Bulwer, Moreton Is
REPORT BY: Red Watch
The day commenced with the bugle sounding at 0445 in preparation for crossing the Wide Bay Bar. Our watch was on duty from 0400-0800 however all hands were on deck for the challenging journey ahead. With the sun rising in the East, we hoisted the sails with the familiar cry “2, 6, heave” and set off across the bar between K’gari (Fraser Island) and Inskip Point. Once we crossed through the surprisingly calm bar, the winds died down leaving us to heavily rely on the motor for propulsion. We then sailed down to Moreton Island, from 0500 to 1800. Along the voyage, we saw a pod of dolphins majestically dancing around the vessel.
After an enthusiastic round of cards, Red Watch was back on duty from 1200-1500. During this time, we navigated the ship and were on look out. We also practiced navigation skills such as position fixing and calculating estimated times of arrival. After our watch we practiced tying the rolling hitch and did a few runs as a team in preparation or the knot tying competition.
After winning the knot tying competition with a time of 39 seconds, we ate Lou’s delicious dinner of butter chicken or yellow curry. Reaching Bulwer around 1800, it was ‘all hands on deck’ to lower the sails and we dropped the anchor on the western side of Moreton island. To top the day off, it was Keira’s birthday, so we all tormented her eardrums with our bawling rendition of ‘Happy birthday’.