CLIENT: The Cathedral School Group B
FROM: Townsville to Townsville
DATE: 6 August 2021
REPORT BY: Blue Watch
Woke up early in the morning and polished the brass. We all had a cold and hot breakfast in the morning. The group raised the headsails as well as helping other watches raise their sails. Sailed to Coombe Island, rode the tender to the beach and saw a manta ray.
The wind picked up insanely, and raising the sails were difficult as it was flying everywhere. The boat was on a 10 degree slant. We all were on watch and had to walk sideways. Geena and Tom S fell over. Sailed to Cardwell to pick up supplies, and were ambushed by a bunch of local kids who were very interested in us and the boat. (They were very interested in Ratatouille and getting everyone’s snapchats)
Amelie was dropped off at Cardwell and sun fell below the horizon and the sunset was very beautiful. Then we had a knot tying competition, the Blue team had a lot of practice and went from 3rd to 2nd place in the points competition by coming 1st and 2nd in the knot competition.
Then we prepared to raise the sails, but there was no wind so we had a break before going on watch. (2000hrs to 2400hrs) Everyone on Blue Watch was given a chance at the helm to steer the ship at night. We were very much blinded as there was smoke all around us.