CLIENT: Townsville Grammar School
FROM: Townsville to Townsville
DATE: 30 July 2021
POSITION: Hinchinbrook Channel
REPORT BY: Red Watch
Woke up at 6am and shine the Brass. Then woke up the crew at 6:30 with Bugle. We had a wonderful breakfast consisting of porridge and toast, hash browns and tinned spaghetti, respectfully, “twas bussin”. After the breakfast, we hoisted the main sails and took off from Pioneer bay. For lunch we had a delicious hamburger.
Later on we stopped at Cape Richards and had a spectacularly grandiose swim. We jumped off the ship and the red watch leader, Tony, challenged us to kiss the ships mermaid, however only the fittest of the crew members were capable. We were then brought to the beach on a dinghy and played beach touch. Additionally, we participated in some quick low Mg and Fe jogs rocky style. We then hopped back onto the ship and rinsed ourselves off, then pulled up the dinghy. The horrors of the anchor box was soon uncovered by one of our own, and they were never the same since.
Before they knew it, it was time to set sail again, on our way around Hinchinbrook Island. After a long day, we set anchor in the Hinchinbrook channel, calling it a night. A spot of fishing occurred with little results, however our talented crew spotted a turtle, stingray, squid, jellyfish, and sea snakes with the utmost scrutiny. The night ended with a few more watches, and logs being taken, capping off a beautiful, productive day.