CLIENT: Trinity Anglican School
FROM: Townsville to Cairns
DATE: 8 June 2021
POSITION: Cape Richards, Hinchinbrook Is
REPORT BY: White Watch
On the 8th of June, the Trinity Anglican School expedition left Havannah Island at 7:30 after a breakfast of cereal, beans, eggs and toast, which was prepared by Louise. We sailed until lunchtime, where we arrived at Orpheus Island, had a lunch of hamburgers, also prepared by Louise, and around two-thirds of us went on to Orpheus to snorkel and explore. Unfortunately, there was a lot of rain and the wind was relatively strong, making the expedition to the island very cold and wet. While some were on shift or on Orpheus, some people were relaxing on the net around the bowsprit. After leaving Orpheus, we sailed until 7:30, at which time we had a dinner of sausages, corn, mashed potatoes, beans and gravy at the northern tip of Hinchinbrook Island.