CLIENT: Gold Youth Voyage
FROM: Townsville to Cairns
DATE: 3 July 2022
REPORT BY: White Watch
At 6:30 in the morning all of us were woken by the sound of a badly played bugle. After a rough nights sleep, getting used to being confined to a small space, we all jumped up and started to get ready for departure. We left port after a long wait for Edan to get his clothes as unfortunately, his bag was misplaced during transit. The weather was not on our side today, and we had to set out in light rain and winds. Once we headed off, we all worked together to put the sails up and used 60% sail power, 40% motor power. We then circled Magnetic Island where pine trees stretched tall with mist all around.
Afterwards, we set sail to Rattlesnake Island where we anchored for the night. We went ashore on the ship’s tender. We returned to the ship with coconuts and went straight into a knot tying competition, in which two of the three watches tied for first place (but White Watch obviously won). After our competition, we all settled to get ready for dinner and night watches as we had 6pm-8pm. It might take sometime to get used to living in a confined space with 18 others, and the early wake ups along with the four hour long night shifts, but we are all excited for what will come in the next six days.