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South Passage Daily Report

CLIENT: General Public Voyage

VOYAGE NUMBER:  20190905

FROM: Rosslyn Bay To: Hervey Bay

DATE: 7 September 2019

POSITION:  Platypus Bay, Fraser Is

REPORT BY: White Watch

By the time we’d finished another hearty breakfast, the wind had abated a little so Sailing Master, Robyn, ferried enthusiastic groups over to the white sands of Lady Musgrave where some of us enjoyed our first walk on land since departing Rosslyn Bay. It was also our first opportunity to snorkel. A large Groper, Butterfly fish, Sea cucumbers and coloured coral were spotted. We also came across a large stranded octopus lying in some shallow water. Whilst some of us debated who would be game enough to pick it up we were relieved when an intrepid boatie did the job! It was astounding to watch it change colour as it recovered in the deeper water.

Our merry band of mariners then exited the lagoon and continued southwards in the company of many whales to Fraser Island, this leg of our voyage being mostly out of sight of land. The breeze started as a nor’easter as we hauled up sails but quickly backed to the north west and then to the south west as a band of cloud moved through. This put us on a course directly to Lady Elliott Island which we passed at close quarters and then tacked towards Bundaberg just before the wind changed again to come more from the south. This was perfect and allowed for a heading of about 150˚M – straight to Platypus Bay where we dropped anchor at 0100 after a lovely moonlit sail.

As usual our happy singing cook provided us with more delicious meals, in the down times books were read, card games played and varied topics were discussed by all and sundry.

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