CLIENT: Flexi School
FROM: Manly To: Manly
DATE: 18 September 2019
POSITION: Big Sandhills, Moreton Is
REPORT BY: White Watch
We woke up at 4/5 am and started on our early morning watch although Billy decided that he didn’t want to get up so he continued to sleep on the boat. We cleaned and polished the brass at the back of the boat. We headed down for breakfast at 6:30 am then we had a knot tying comp and then finished our breakfast.
We went ashore to Peel Island and had a swim, a walk, a fish and a sun tan. After we came back to the boat we raised the sails our watch raised the Jib and the Stay sail. After raising the sails, we headed on a day sail to Moreton Island. We have now dropped the anchor and we are sleeping off the coast of Moreton Island and are going to continue our watch. In the morning we will head off to the massive sand hill and then set sail for home.