CLIENT: Silver Youth Voyage
FROM: Hervey Bay To: Manly
DATE: 3 October 2019
REPORT BY: Red Watch
Our scheduled watch on day 3 was changed from 8 pm – 12 pm to 9 pm – 1 am so that Red Watch and White Watch’s watches would overlap by one hour, which would enable the two watches to lower the sails together after 18 hours of rough sailing. Aden was elected boson during that watch and didn’t allow Ruby to wake up to do her shift due to her being majorly sea sick though she’s feeling much better now. As far as we can tell you that night might have been the coldest so far. After our shift ended at 1am, we went straight to sleep and were later awoken by Catherine on the bugle at 6:30 am.
The day started off with breakfast from Hugh, which consisted of cereal, fruit or pancakes, and a calm start to our watch at 8 am whilst anchored at Tangalooma. We pulled up anchor approximately 9 am to motor over to the wrecks just off the Shore of Morton Island. Once settled at the wrecks we went ashore for a swim and an hour or so on solid ground. We ignored how cold the water was as we were just grateful for the opportunity to get something resembling a shower, which, for some of us, would have been the first we’d had in a few days.
After our day trip to shore was over, we headed back to South Passage, boarded and got ready to set sail for Peel Island, where we would be docking that night. We successfully motored out of the wreck and maintained smooth sailing until the evening. Along the way we saw a glimpse of a few dolphins, tacked around GEOGAS the diesel ship and passed the small boat by the name of Catherine Grace.