CLIENT: St Philip’s Christian College
FROM: Sydney To: Sydney
DATE: 9 November 2019
POSITION: Refuge Bay, Broken Bay
REPORT BY: Blue Watch V2
Our journey began when we boarded the sailing ship at Kings Street Wharf Number 8 at Darling Harbour. The watch leaders assigned us with bunk beds and our watch groups for the trip. We got a tour of the ship and were shown the emergency exits and how to use certain appliances. Since the day was windy lifejackets were required and supplied, before we learnt about the different parts of the ship and how to tack the sails.
A delicious lunch was provided before we came together as a group to lift the anchor from Balls Head Bay. As our group was the first group to manage the ship as we were put in charge (with the help of the watch leaders) of changing the directions of the sails and steering the ship.
After a couple of hours of sailing we arrived at Refuge Cove and anchored. A competition was set to see which watch group could make a round turn and 2 half hitches the fastest. We were then supplied with a lovely, enjoyable dinner made by the beautiful cook Cath. After we had finished our scrumptious meal, blue watch had an anchor watch from 8pm-12am.