CLIENT: General Public Voyage
FROM: Sydney To: Brisbane
DATE: 9 January 2020
POSITION: Newcastle Harbour
REPORT BY: Blue Watch
On the 8th we boarded the ship around 5 and after motoring to Rose Bay we had some pizzas for dinner and learnt how to belay the sails. In the morning we pulled the anchor up out of the water by lining up and turning the wheel three times before peeling off. We left at around 8 and headed for the sea. While we were out there we hoisted the sails, learnt how to gybe and took turns managing and steering the ship.
While we were sailing we saw a pod of dolphins and also the beaches on the coast line including Terrigal beach, Wamberal beach, Forresters beach and Shelly beach. Before our shift started at 2:00pm, we all practised knot tying. Some of us went onto the bow sprint and learnt quickly how much a ship can lurch into waves.
At 8:00pm we reached Newcastle Harbour where our watch had to lower all four sails and tidy the sails. We all learnt new knots, belaying and hoisting sails even though it was dark.