CLIENT: Townsville Flexible Learning
FROM: Airlie Beach To: Townsville
DATE: 4 June 2019
REPORT BY: Blue Watch
We were awoken at 6:30 am all of the watches got up and had our cold breckie and a short time after we had a yummy hot breakfast. We were all on deck and the sailing master gave us a safety meeting, we prepared sails ready to commence. At 9:30 am we left the marina at the speed of 15-20 knots. We were intending to anchor at Double Cone Island for lunch but the skipper thought it wasn’t a good idea so we continued. We had however, dropped our sails and used the motor. Short time later the wind picked up and we hoisted sails.
As we were on watch we were rotating places which included stirring through the Glauster Passage and arrived at our destination Bona Bay lee side of Glauster Island. We cleaned up and went for a swim the water was cold. Kody successfully climbed up the mermaid. Once we were dried before dinner we did a knotting competition round turn and 2 half hitches, blue watch came second. Dinner was served at 6:30 pm blue watch was off watch we relaxed before coming back on at 8pm.