CLIENT: Mullumbimby HS
FROM: Manly To: Manly
DATE: 14 March 2019
POSITION: Big Sandhills, Moreton Is
REPORT BY: Red Watch
Watch started at 4. We did some book work and practiced knots. We polished the brass and woke everybody up practiced our bowline knot, Then we had a comp which we won by a decent gap.
For hot breakfast we had bacon and eggs made by Hugh the best chef around.
We prepared for the back stay comp which we won easily. Riley and Lucy were one group and Payten, Olivia and Frankie were another. We worked well as a team and were well organised.
We hoisted sails and sailed north. We then started our watch at 12 and put the anchor down at 2 adjacent to Five Hills on Moreton Island. The water was very blue and clear and it was a nice temperature. We jumped off the boat some people kissed the mermaid.
We raised anchor and arrived at the Big Sandhills in darkness.