CLIENT: Mullumbimby HS
FROM: Manly To: Manly
DATE: 13 March 2019
POSITION: Tangalooma Wrecks
REPORT BY: White Watch
As our watch had the 0400 – 0800 watch, we had to wake up at 0500 hours. After checking cardinal points, we then had to polish the brass. It hadn’t been polished in months and required a lot of elbow grease to get it shining. We accidentally woke up the entire crew at 0600, instead of 0630, and no one was too happy about that.
We had our cold breakfast, and then a reef knot comp. White watch won. We then had a hot breakfast, and prepared to leave Peel Island. We raised the anchor, and then the sails. Our next watch was 1200 – 1500 hours. Halfway through, we had winds reach over 30 knots and had to lower the mainsail. We also had to gybe the sails. The boat became really tilted and we all got soaked by the spray.
Then we docked in the Tangalooma bay of Moreton Island. We snorkeled by the wrecks, swam and climbed the dunes (only to then run/roll back down). When we returned to the boat, we had a figure of 8 knot comp, which White Watch would have won as we completed it in 10 seconds, however as we had a winning streak, as soon as we fidgeted with our rope, the skipper gave us a minute penalty. We had dinner and two hours of free time, before having to start our 2000 – 2400 watch.