CLIENT: Sydney to Brisbane Public Voyage
FROM: Sydney To: Manly
DATE: 16 January 2019
POSITION: Tangalooma, Moreton is
REPORT BY: Blue Watch
I love the smell of Brasso™ in the morning. Yes, we started with an early morning session of polishing the 25 year old brass of South Passage. It looked great and gave the Skipper another polished surface to reflect in.
Did we mention it was early? Yes, the day (and NSW) was at least an hour ahead of the new QLD Daylight Wasting Time we found ourselves in. (You should get up earlier. Ed.)
After raising the sails, the glassed out conditions gave way to an increasing breeze as we departed from our anchorage off South Stradbroke Island, passing Peel Island on our port side and then out into Moreton Bay. The diesel kraken below was finally silenced and we had a glorious close hauled sail to Moreton Island.
Passing through the reef, we anchored about 150 m offshore with half the crew swimming into the sand and the other half being ferried over in the tender, which took groups over to the wrecked sand dredgers for snorkelling.
Pork chops for dinner was a clear highlight, with high compliments to Chef Hugh.
But then down to the serious politics of selecting tomorrow’s skipper, mate and navigator from within the ranks, who will see us safely into Manly tomorrow. In Elliot, Michael and Frances we trust, but we’ll all sleep with crossed fingers and toes for good measure.