CLIENT: Byron Bay High School
FROM: Manly To: Manly
DATE: 20 March 2024
POSITION: en route to Tangalooma
REPORT: Red Watch
6:30 the bugle rang even though everyone was already awake. They had all been woken up after doing the night shift very early in the morning. As all the young sailors go out to get their cold breakfast waiting on the table in the galley, the cook Louise is cooking a deliciously smelling hot breakfast consisting of hash browns, toast, and some spaghetti.
Once the cold breakfast was gulped down, all the watches sat down on a seat and prepared for our knot comp and destroyed our competition. Our red watch is the best and leading the knot competitions.
At seven o’clock everybody swarmed to the top deck preparing for our first backstay competition. It was such a good competition that everyone beat each other so it was a tie.
Just before the sails, we had to pull the anchor out from the ground. While it was coming up, we sprayed the mud off it. Little after we raised our sails, and the wind took us sailing for two and a half hours. We sailed off to Moreton Island to put the anchor down and play on the beach. “Splash”, the skim ball skims across the delicate water surface. Everyone loved playing with each other on Moreton Island.
At the end of our adventures the dinghy picked us up and relocated to the ship. But all the young sailors hadn’t had enough of the water, so we jumped off the ship. I adjust my stance and launch away from the colossal ship. I was in the air for about a second, but it felt like an hour.
We had free time for the rest of the day until night when we set off for our night sail. We are currently sailing past the coast of Moreton Island heading to Tangalooma.