CLIENT: TS Nepean Navy Cadets
FROM: Sydney To: Sydney
DATE: 16 December 2023
POSITION: Steel & Flint Bay, Broken Bay
REPORT: Red Watch
We started the voyage at 1900 hours on the 15/12/23 and were arranged into our watch groups. We sailed for approximately 30 minutes before anchoring in Gore Bay. We set up our racks and went through a safety briefing and some drills, we then prepared ourselves for bed. Lights out was then at 2130.
At 0100 four Red Watch members were woken up for their morning shift. Those four members finished their shift and the others were woken up at 0200. These shifts consisted of learning basics of navigation and checking if the anchor is drifting. When learning basics of navigation, we used visible landmarks and collected the compass bearings whilst filling out the log.
Wakey, wakey was at 0630, PO Simonsen played the bugle to wake us up. The cadets then got up and got changed, preparing for the day with some cereal. Followed by a knot tying race (white won), we then had a hot breakfast, some of us went to cleaning stations.
We then prepared to raise the sails and the anchor. We were in charge of the foresail. Red Watch started at 1000 and went until 1230. During the watch we were required to rotate through a series of different roles, consisting of port and starboard lookouts, helmsman and deckhand. We reached our destination of Broken Bay after sailing for 6 hours.
After dropping anchor and lowering the sails, cadets were given the opportunity to take the boat to the shore or jump off the ship and attempt to kiss the mermaid on the bow sprit. Cadets came back onboard for dinner and had dessert.