CLIENT: General Public Voyage
FROM: Coffs Harbour To: Manly
DATE: 15 October 2023
REPORT: White Watch
The personalities of White Watch established their character, potential skills and remarkable dominance under the capable and inspirational leadership of Old Salty Steve.
The howling gale force winds of Saturday had abated only to be replaced with the serenity of a gentle five knot breeze unfortunately assisted by our 6 cylinder diesel motor. Under OSS (that’s Steve), the mainsail was hoisted in a flash and a blur of white as we demonstrated our newfound skills of hauling halyards in a cohesive synergy of confusion offset by dogged determination to get under sail and out of Coffs Harbour.
As we sailed north towards Iluka, we were passed by multiple pods of humpback whales which surrounded us, applauding and serenading with breeches and fin slapping the competency of White Watch in synchronised action.
Nightfall saw us enter the Clarence River. White Watch was sensing a gin and tonic. Reality hit as they slumped into depression realising they were on a dry ship.
The day culminated with Cath serving a magnificent butter chicken and Sara Lee dessert. The day drew to a close with a magnificent sunset in a clear sky. Happy sailors will sleep soundly in their bunks tonight in anticipation of tomorrow’s adventure.