CLIENT: Remote Islands Voyage
FROM: Rosslyn Bay to Mackay
DATE: 28 May 2022
POSITION: West Bay, Middle Percy Is
REPORT BY: Blue Watch
After Blue Watch won the morning’s knotting competition, we departed our anchorage in the Duke Islands at 8.30am just after the peak of high tide, noticing the rocks connecting two islands that some had traversed yesterday had since disappeared under water!
We sailed N/E out of the passage past Hunter Island, raised our sails and motored towards our next destination. We shook out the reef on the mainsail whilst on the run. Dolphins were spotted on the starboard side on approach to Middle Percy Island.
We dropped sail and motored into West Bay at Middle Percy Island at lunchtime. A feed of scrumptious tacos gave us new energy to spend the afternoon exploring ashore. To our surprise there was a bright red helicopter parked on the beach doing a promotional video for Mackay tourism. Mal our Assistant Sailing Master was dressed in full red attire in an effort to appear in the ad but he was once again struck out and replaced by more suitable talent.
We all disembarked and visited the Middle Percy Yacht Club admiring the many mementos of the yachties. Multiple groups began the uphill trek through the butterfly forest to the Homestead where we were warmly welcomed by Annie and Robin who asked after South Passage’s Robyn. They enthusiastically shared some of the island’s history but there is so much interesting history that not much was covered in the short time available. However there are some books available for us to learn more. Some of our party swam in the ‘plunge pool’ which was cleverly made from a reconditioned water tank! Some close encounters with whip snakes on the walking track added some excitement to the adventure.
After a 6km round trip walk and exploration of the many features, the sun started lowering in the sky so everyone began to make their way back to the ship, by boat tender and quite a few swam the distance. Before the ladder was raised, some dare devil jumps were made from the ship into the water. The sunset was spectacular once again, it just keeps getting better, a great lead into another starry night.