CLIENT: Gold Duke of Ed Voyage
FROM: Cairns to Cairns
DATE: 5 July 2023
POSITION: Cape Richards, Hinchinbrook Is
REPORT: Blue Watch
The day started off with being awoken by a song played from Dave’s phone as opposed to the bugle that we have all grown to love. We had a cold breakfast as usual followed by bacon and eggs prepared by the beloved cook, Hugh.
We got our first touch of dry land in a while today as we docked at the Mourilyan Port to dump rubbish and stock up on water. As we made our way to Dunk Island the sun decided to come and say hello, this was a great relief after many days of miserable weather. Our group were on the head sail for today and after stopping for a swim there was a minor confusion with the advised tack. However, after much deliberation we overcame this issue and set sail for Cape Richards.
After a long day of sailing the sun began to set whilst we were underway leading to our first taste of night sailing. This challenged us immensely as we put our skills to the test…in the dark. We were welcomed by a full moon glistening over the island ahead.