CLIENT: Silver Youth Voyage
FROM: Cairns to Cairns
DATE: 28 June 2023
POSITION: Michaelmas Cay
REPORT: White Watch
Michael, Chris, and Justin woke up for the early morning watch (0000-0400), this involved taking bearings and completing the logbook as well as doing a brief lesson on navigation. This lesson consisted of finding the locations of certain places using latitude and longitude, finding which locations corresponded to the given coordinates and finding the course needed to travel from one location to another using true and compass bearings.
After the group woke up for the morning and had breakfast, the daily knot competition was held with the tying of the sheet bend. After raising the sails White Watch was on watch from 1000 till 1200 which involved the first gybe of the voyage. Afterwards we had time to relax until we reached our destination being Michaelmas Cay.
We lowered our sails and went for a swim in the waters around the ship’s mooring. We spotted many large size trevally while swimming and afterwards we held the second knot competition of the day, the rolling hitch.
Dinner followed with the command day elections for leadership roles occurring in the main cabin around 20:00. We completed the second logbook for the day after the elections which finished a packed day of journeying.