CLIENT: Townsville Sail & Walk
FROM: Townsville to Townsville
DATE: 6 June 2023
POSITION: Hinchinbrook Channel
REPORT: White Watch
The morning knot tie was the bowline. We weighed anchor and had a gybe motor sail to Dunk Island followed by landing at the jetty.
Some took the long way to the summit of Mt Kootaloo, others the lesser distance via the resort. These walkers were escorted out of the ruins to the walk track to the mount. Items of interest on the rainforest walk were an Orb spider, Radar station ruins and a spekkie view from the lookout. Unfortunately, South Passage was obscured by trees. The other group of people landed to shore shared experiences of a hot shower, swim, and headland walks to appreciate the rainforest.
On returning to the ship at 1600 it was all hands on deck to raise the sails as we set out to sail into the wind to the Hinchinbrook Channel. You couldn’t wipe the smiles of the faces off some of the helmsmen leaning into their task. After a quick delicious dinner prepared by the unstoppable Lou, White watch took to the 1800-2000 watch to learn some new skills in the dark. The sails were lowered and a quick lesson in piloting was given all in low light and rain! White Watch finished before anchoring which was taken over by the blue team. Everyone – especially long walkers, appreciated bed.