CLIENT: General Public Voyage
FROM: Airlie Beach to Townsville
DATE: 30 May 2023
POSITION: Gloucester Is
REPORT: Red Watch
This morning was a special one as we had time to go snorkelling in Maureen Cove and saw great examples of different corals and lots of fishes as well as two ten dollar notes which we rescued from the currents.
After setting off we had the best sailing conditions with clear skies and 20 knots of wind. Everybody got a chance to do the helming which wasn’t easy because of strong winds but fun. We passed through Hayman and Gloucester Channels and enjoyed a delicious lunch of Mexican chicken burritos made by our great cook Hugh with the ship heeling heavily. Nobody got seasick today.
Having made today’s short passage of 31 NM with excellent progress, we anchored already at 2pm by Gloucester Island. Part of our crew stayed on board for an extended siesta but most of us headed to the beach on Gloucester Island for swimming, sun baking and walking. Also several dolphins and jumping fishes showed up.
Back to the ship we had the daily knotting competition and red watch showed some improvement in their knotting ability. Those ones who were still able to keep awake after dinner worked to improve their navigation skills. But to tell the truth, 75 % of the crew was snoring by 7.30pm. It was a fun day and great sailing today!