CLIENT: Gladstone to Brisbane DofE GPV
FROM: Gladstone to Manly
DATE: 14 April 2023
POSITION: Big Sandhills, Moreton Is
REPORT: Red Watch
The last two days have been extremely calm with very little wind. Yet today the wind was howling, and the ship held it together better than the crew. Red watch had to get up at midnight to a bit of night sailing which was difficult. It was a challenge as we couldn’t see what we were doing, it was stressful, and so hard to stand up. Some of us almost stacked it because it was so bumpy. It was freezing cold, and we all had at least two layers on. Luckily, we all got time on the helm. We finally got to bed at four in the morning. We woke up at seven in the morning for hot breakfast where we had spaghetti, hashbrowns, and toast.
After breakfast, we headed off to Tangalooma where half the group went snorkelling and the other half went to shore for a swim and played touch footy. Funny enough we saw Brisbane from where we were but it was bittersweet because we weren’t heading there just yet. We had to manually haul up the anchor again with a lot of effort and teamwork.
We sailed south down Morton Island whilst practising tacking for command day. We are all picking it up quickly. We finally arrived at Big Sand Hills just off Moreton Island. Only a few people ended up jumping off the boat. Then we had the most delicious dinner ever, Louise made a beautiful butter chicken and rice. We had Danish for dessert.