CLIENT: Gladstone to Brisbane DofE GPV
FROM: Gladstone to Manly
DATE: 11 April 2023
POSITION: Lady Musgrave Is
REPORT: Red Watch
The red watch woke up for anchor watch at 00:00. Started off with checking the anchor, lights, taking compass readings and longs and lats. Once calculating our measurements, we started on our navigation’s charts. Once completing these, we headed back to bed until 06:00 wake up.
Woken up by some awful bugle playing, we had a cold breakfast. After that, we prepared the sails (Red watch were on mainsail). Once preparation was complete, sails were raised to full and we commenced sailing from Pancake Bay to Lady Musgrave Island.
When we got to Lady Musgrave, we started jumping off the side of the ship. Then nearly everyone went for a swim off the side of the ship until we could get into the tender to head to the beach on the island. There were three trips to take everyone who wanted to go to the shore. Once we got there, we went on a walk through the tracks on the island, around the island and on the beach. The water around the island was extremely clear.
Once everyone got safely back to the ship, we practised for the backstay comp and the knot comp. The knots were the reef knot and figure eight. Red watch took the first win in the insignificant backstay comp and then blue watch took out the next two wins, thus winning the rather irrelevant social comp.
Blue watch won the reef knot and white watch won the penultimate figure eight knot competition. To cap off the day we all watched the sunset whilst enjoying another masterpiece from Louise, this time a beef stew, something even the likes of Gordon Ramsey would approve of.
Whilst writing this report, Fred redeemed his previous misdemeanours with a musical vocal performance providing a passionate rendition of Brightside of Life. Danny whipped out a cute lil pink Ukulele, the instrument of kings. By the end of the performance, there was not a dry eye in the house, as our ears were serenaded by a cacophonic symphony of angels.