CLIENT: Mullumbimby HS
FROM: Manly to Manly
DATE: 30 March 2023
POSITION: Horseshoe Bay, Peel Is
REPORT: Red Watch
This morning both me, and my fellow sailors got up at 6:00 am. At 6:30 my watch moved into the galley where Hugh served us an amazing cold breakfast of porridge and cereal. After cold breakfast we were called to the deck where we had a clove hitch and a bowline knotting competition. Soon after this successful competition, at 7:15 am, we had a delicious hot breakfast of bacon and eggs.
Once all our stomachs where full, our watch had to go and raise both headsails. Once this vital job was complete, we set sail. Throughout the day we changed shifts with the other watches, constantly keeping a lookout on what was happening around us.
After 7 hours of sailing, we made it to Horseshoe Bay. In groups we jumped into the smaller lifeboat and were taken to shore, there, we had a very refreshing swim, but soon our groups begun to have wrestling matches. Towards the end of our afternoon swim, we all decided to search for clam shells. By shuffling along the bottom of the ocean we would feeling little rock-like things between our toes, this is the clams.
Once we made it back to the ship, we had another knot tying comp, which was a sheet bend. Then, we ended the day with Chinese stir-fry for dinner and fruit salad with custard for dessert.