CLIENT: Mullumbimby HS
FROM: Manly to Manly
DATE: 15 November 2022
POSITION: Big Sandhills, Moreton Is
REPORT BY: White Watch
We woke up at 4am docked in the Manly port. Bradley enjoyed his three bowls of porridge which was washed down with two coffees and beans. We then received a safety brief from the skipper and Russell. We set sail at 9am.
We spent roughly 10-15 minutes putting up the main sail, but we then had to wait for the two other groups that were just a little bit too slow. After all the sails were up, we smoothly sailed for about 6 hours to arrive at our next destination, the Big Sandhills on Moreton Island.
We took in turns going onto shore in the rubber dinghy doing four trips of 6 people. Multiple people went for a swim while the others climbed up the monstrous hills of sand measuring at a whopping 60 metres! The cool kids decided to go for a boogey board down the sand dunes that was a failure. Except for Coco the Daredevil who ran down.
We spent a while over there and Aurora found a jelly fish and then Coco claimed that she found it first. We saw many different sea creatures throughout the day including dugongs, dolphins, sharks, turtles, manta rays and many stingrays.
When we finally got back to the ship, we had a heart racing knot tying competition that was obviously rigged, as the red group somehow won. White group being the best group got to have dinner first and Auroras chicken drumstick was apparently lonely on her plate. It was pretty good, and then Hugh being the legend he is, made us a scrumptious custard and apple pie for dessert.