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South Passage Daily Report

CLIENT: Ormiston College

VOYAGE NUMBER:  20220916

FROM: Manly to Manly

DATE: 16 September 2022

POSITION: Horseshoe Bay, Peel Is

REPORT BY: White Watch

On the first day, the Ormiston College students started to learn to sail aboard the South Passage tall ship. Our watch leader Dave gave us sail training in Moreton Bay, teaching us knots like the reef knot and the round turn with two half hitches. We learnt to lower and raise the sails, tack, keep lookout for seaward dangers and steer the ship.

With the aid of the watch-leaders, we sailed to the island paradise of Horseshoe Bay on Peel Island, saying hello to frolicking dugongs, and streamlined dolphins, jumping alongside the ship. Upon arrival, we went ashore, and participated in some friendly games of football and volleyball, as well as various knot tying competitions, where the white watch (the best watch) was victorious. Lachlan, Zackary, Jorja, Siobhan, Smriti, Steven

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