Although the wind was light, it provided a perfect opportunity to practice gybing throughout the bay.
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South Passage Daily Report


VOYAGE NUMBER:  20250104

FROM: Sydney To: Manly

DATE: 10 January 2025

POSITION: Horseshoe Bay, Peel Is

REPORT: White Watch

This morning, we started the day with a cold breakfast followed by a scrummy hot breakfast of fried eggs, sausages, and tomatoes. Afterward, we manually raised the anchor, set the sails, and departed from our anchorage, setting course through the Moreton Bay region. We sailed north, passing the southern regions of North Stradbroke Island. Although the wind was light, it provided a perfect opportunity to practice gybing throughout the bay. For lunch, we enjoyed delicious chicken burritos, and as the day went on, everyone took turns honing their gybing skills.
Once everyone had a chance to practice, we anchored at Peel Island and headed to the beach for a swim. On the way, we were lucky enough to have dolphins follow our dinghy, and some of us even had the incredible experience of touching them (Will). We spent the afternoon at the beach, swimming, snorkelling, and playing with the dogs on the sand.
When we returned to the ship, we spent some time jumping off and enjoying the water before heading below deck to prepare for the election voting. During the vote, we gathered as a crew to decide whether we wanted to have a Command Day tomorrow. After a brief discussion, we collectively agreed to go ahead with it, excited for the opportunity to take charge of the ship. We then selected our leaders for the day: skipper, sailing master, navigator, and watch leaders. Each nominee had the chance to present why they were suited for their role, and after some thoughtful advocacy, we cast our votes. Ash was chosen as skipper, Colbie as sailing master, Kian as navigator, and Daniel, Rhiannon, and Adi were elected as watch leaders.
Afterward, we enjoyed a delicious dinner of potatoes, steak, and veggies, and custard and fruit for dessert, before starting our SODS (Society of ‘Dramatics’ Sailors) performances. It was a night filled with singing, acting, and plenty of laughter, making for an incredibly fun and memorable evening!

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