CLIENT: Silver Youth Voyage
FROM: Hervey Bay To: Manly
DATE: 23 September 2024
POSITION: Coongul Point, Fraser Is
REPORT: White Watch
Today was the first day of our voyage. The few of us sleeping on the boat had an early start at 6:30 with all other crewmates arriving at 8:30.
We then got to orientation where we learnt everything from the different types of necessary knots to how to hoist the sails. Whilst the information was difficult to process at first, having the practical on deck experience for the next couple of hours helped us to cement our learning.
At around 3:00 pm, we anchored at the resting point for our first night, Fraser Island. We went to the beach by dinghy and got to relax with a swim and a tiring game of touch footy. This was a definite highlight of the day and was the start of real bonding at friendships being built by the members of our watch.
We all took the dinghy back to the ship where we quickly showered and got ready for the knot tying competition. With a time just over 1 minute 30 seconds, the skills we learnt earlier in the day were definitely not forgotten. Hopefully a good nights sleep will allow us to sail strongly tomorrow and maybe even hope independently.
It was a great day where we learnt very much.