We then sat above deck to look out at the sea, when all of a sudden, at the starboard side of the deck, we spotted a lemon shark close to our ship.
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South Passage Daily Report

CLIENT: Townsville Grammar School

VOYAGE NUMBER:  20240724

FROM: Townsville To: Townsville

DATE: 27 July 2024

POSITION: Rattle Snake Is

REPORT: White Watch

This morning, we awoke to the omnipresent sounding of a bugle. Similar to each day before, at exactly 0630 hours, the current shift watch group sounded the wake-up call. After raising the anchor, we motored forward through the Hinchinbrook channel. Travelling was fairly smooth, raising the sails throughout the journey to help pick up speed.

Throughout the day, the weather was quite dull, due to the rain and long waves. We then sat above deck to look out at the sea, when all of a sudden, at the starboard side of the deck, we spotted a lemon shark close to our ship. At lunch, Cath made us some tacos to eat, before going back out to watch in the misty, dark blue ocean.

We stopped at Esk Island to go for a snorkel and go on the beach where we saw a shed filled with beer cans. We anchored at Rattlesnake Island before heading to bed. Lieve

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