CLIENT: Townsville Grammar School
FROM: Townsville To: Townsville
DATE: 25 July 2024
POSITION: Orpheus Is
REPORT: Red Watch
We were woken up by the bugle played by Alec. Then we ate breakfast which was porridge, cereal, scrambled eggs and toast. We then had a knot competition before we set sail. After that we got straight into learning how to sail the ship from the watch leaders. We then weighed anchor and set sail for Orpheus Island.
On the trip we saw a humpback whale with its calf close to the ship. There were two other whale sightings in the distance. We then spent our time either relaxing or doing a 7 person rotation on the boat. This included roles like helmsman, standby helmsman, deck check, port and starboard lookout and standby for both of them. As we were approaching Yanks Jetty, we learnt how to lower the sails.
We arrived and docked at Yanks jetty at 3:30 where we spent an hour on the beach playing around and swimming. After we finished up at Yanks jetty we had a knot competition between the three watch groups. Then we started the motor and moved to Pioneer Bay to rest for the night.