We were off to an early start to get ashore to walk to the lookout at the top of Dunk Island. It was a beautiful walk along the beach and through the rainforest to be rewarded by a beautiful view over the water to Mission Beach.
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South Passage Daily Report

CLIENT: GPV Adult Sail & Walk

VOYAGE NUMBER:  20240601

FROM: Townsville To: Townsville

DATE: 4 June 2024

POSITION: Haycock Is

REPORT: White Watch

 Our day started early just at midnight.  However, our watch leader, Mark kept our spirits up as we went about our tasks and plotting our position and keeping our eyes open for any issue that would allow us to wake the Skipper. Luckily for him, he got a good night’s sleep.

We were off to an early start to get ashore to walk to the lookout at the top of Dunk Island. It was a beautiful walk along the beach and through the rainforest to be rewarded by a beautiful view over the water to Mission Beach. Three small frogs sat atop a post at the lookout – they sat so still we were fooled into thinking they were sculptures! A small prod from someone’s curious finger proved they were alive as one leapt off the post. It was such a treat to see them!

Back on board and it was all hands-on deck to get us underway and sails up to make our way to our stop for the night, Haycock Island in the Hinchinbrook Channel. Good winds helped us sail at speeds up to 10 knots. The night is perfect, warm and still. The water is like a pond – so still! The stars are amazing too! What a beautiful place to be! We look forward to tomorrow.

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