CLIENT: Bronze D of E / Youth Voyage
FROM: Manly to Manly
DATE: 11 April 2022
POSITION: Lucinda Bay, Moreton Is
REPORT BY: White Watch
As White Watch, our day began with a boom: early (very early) and with cups of hot chocolate and biscuits. Our day began at 0400, so we had the pleasure of watching the sun rise, and getting our breakfasts first, before launching into a day of sails hoisting, deck check, and trying to act important as a standby starboard lookout.
The highlight of many of our crew’s day was when a pod of dolphins (one of whom had a half-eaten fin) jumped near the boat. When off-duty, we also enjoyed sitting on the bowsprit netting and watching the waves below us. Another highlight was the two highly intense knot-tying competitions (reef knot, bowline and figure eight), the latter of which we won.
We anchored at Lucinda Bay in the late afternoon (after wind conditions prevented us from following our initially planned track towards North Stradbroke) and enjoyed swimming in the “pool” and playing cricket and soccer on the beach. After this was dinner (amazing as per usual) and our night watch. This night watch is occurring as we write this, so we can’t extend the story past here. Another watch will update you of later occurrences tomorrow (and for your sake I hope their literary talent is as prolific as ours).