CLIENT: The Cathedral School Group B
FROM: Townsville to Townsville
DATE: 5 August 2021
POSITION: Cape Richards, Hinchinbrook Is
REPORT BY: Red Watch
This morning we were awoken by a strong breeze and a warm sunrise. After a rushed pack up and breakfast on Orpheus Island the South Passage greeted us at Yank’s Jetty. We were quickly assigned to groups and became acquainted with each other, the watch leaders and the ship itself. Leaving Orpheus Island, we worked as a team to raise the sails and prepare for smooth ride ahead of us.
After completing our rotation of the watch we luckily had a few hours to relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery that passed us by. A select few of us were lucky enough to harness ourselves on the net in the bow. The views were incredible and it was a 10/10 location to take a nap. We had sailed without stop for over six hours and once we reached our final destination for the night we pulled the sails down and dropped the anchor.
With the fires burning on the mainland, the sunset tonight was absolutely gorgeous and the colours of red, pink and purple were completely unmatched to any of those that would be seen in town. Most of us sat in awe to watch as the bright yellow sun turned to red and the colours of the sky changed with it. As the sun set and the light lowered, the sky filled with sparkling stars and the day drew to an end.