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South Passage Daily Report

CLIENT: The Cathedral School

VOYAGE NUMBER:  20210803

FROM: Townsville to Townsville

DATE: 4 August 2021

POSITION: Orpheus Is

REPORT BY: White Watch

On the South Passage voyage there was breath-taking views, like the bright stars that freckled the night sky and the Milky Way and the deep blue ocean that sparkled in the sun. The early mornings begin with a blow of the horn to wake everyone up, then a stunning sunrise followed by a delicious breakfast made by the wonderful cooks, Louise and Cathy. The food was delightful, we were served breakfast, lunch and dinner with fruit snacks under the benches.

We learnt the basics of how to sail, such as tying ropes, tacking, steering, and navigation while working as a team. We did rope tying competitions with the other teams, although we didn’t win them all we focused on our accuracy. Slow and steady wins the race. We swam in the ocean, visited Rattlesnake Island and watched three whales breach. It was good to breathe in the fresh air and take in the view of the gorgeous sunsets. White Watch is the best team!

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