CLIENT: Townsville Grammar School
FROM: Townsville to Townsville
DATE: 28 July 2021
POSITION: Horseshoe Bay, Magnetic Is
REPORT BY: Blue Watch
We arrived at the marina at 4:30pm, parents made their way on board the ship to have a look around and got into our group called blue watch (Maddy, Scarlett, Julia, Max, Harrison, Saachi, Evan, Lauren). At 5:00 all students boarded the ship, we organised our bags and bed, then we all had dinner (mash potatoes and sausages). After dinner Peter and Robyn gave a safety briefing, watch groups split off and learnt all about how to operate the ships plumbing.
Once the safety briefings were finished, the ship began to make its way to Horseshoe Bay by motor. We travelled past West Point and 5 Beach Bay on the way to Horseshoe Bay. Blue and white groups were on watch during this journey. We anchored in Horseshoe Bay around 8.15 and then the nights watch times where assigned. Students began preparing for bed and played a few card games. Blue watch is on watch from 8 till 12, red watch from 12 till 4, and then white will come on watch from 4 till 8am. Students will awake around 6.30am for a big day tomorrow sailing up to Orpheus Island.