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South Passage Daily Report

CLIENT: Youth Gold D of E Voyage

VOYAGE NUMBER:  20210628

FROM: Cairns to Townsville

DATE: 3 July 2021

POSITION:  Horseshoe Bay, Magnetic Is

REPORT BY: Red Watch

Today we woke up at 4am for the early watch where we cleaned the brass and raised the anchor to motor around to Yanks Jetty. We went snorkelling and found a lobster shell, saw giant clams and different coloured fish. We then tried to kiss the mermaid only using our arms to climb. We then went ashore and did some exploring through the large array of rocks and enjoyed an eye-capturing view.

We then sailed to Horseshoe Bay to anchor for the night. Red Watch were allocated the responsibility of controlling the Mainsail during the day’s journey. Today’s Bosun, Zach, was in charge of distributing members of Red Watch to specific roles on deck. The strength of the wind depreciated during the day which required the use of the motor to be utilised. We sat around on the floor of the ship, sun baking and mainly burning trying to figure out Justine’s complicated riddles. We jumped off the ship and once again failed to kiss the mermaid.

Then we had a knot tying competition and tried to set a good team example and let the losing team have a crack at winning. We celebrated Jemma’s birthday with chocolate cake and custard…Max had 5 pieces. We then decided on the duties for Skipper, Sailing Master, Navigation and Watch leaders. Then we serenated Hugh with the song ‘Sweet Caroline’ (ba ba bammmmm) for our finale night on the ship. Then the net of truth occurred…meow. The End.

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