CLIENT: Mareeba State High School
FROM: Cairns to Cairns
DATE: 22 June 2021
POSITION: Green Island
REPORT BY: Red Watch
Today Red Watch began the day by competing in the knotting completion. We unfortunately came second. Once this was completed, all watches had bacon and eggs on toast for our hot breakfast.
Throughout the day Red Watch was hoisting and lowering the foresail, we sailed to Green Island from Moore reef. Once we arrived at Green Island we set the anchor and celebrated Izak’s birthday with cake and singing. We explored the island, went snorkelling and jumped off the boat and saw a variety of cool creatures. We helped the skipper lift the tender and put it into place.
It was time for the sheet bend tying competition where we won with a speedy 45 seconds. For the rest of the afternoon we relaxed on deck and listened to Jack our live musician until dinner. We then gathered for the election for skipper, navigator, sail master and watch leaders for tomorrow.