CLIENT: Trinity Anglican School
FROM: Townsville to Cairns
DATE: 10 June 2021
POSITION: Sudbury Reef
REPORT BY: Blue Watch
Today we woke up to Jesse’s beautiful bugle playing at 6:00am, we then had a bacon and egg hot breakfast. After raising the sails to start sailing for the day we continued to sail to our next destination. On the way, we had lunch which was burritos.
A pod of Spinner dolphins joined us in our trip to Sudbury Reef where we jumped off the boat for a swim. We then completed another knotting competition where we all had to tie a Rolling Hitch and a Sheet bend. The highlight of today was when Bella attempted to flip off the boat and belly flopped. We then had Chinese chicken rice bowl and it was very yummy.
We then nominated who would take up the roles as skipper, sail master, navigator, watch leaders, bosons. Greg was nominated as skipper, Heidi as sail master, Brandon as navigator, Nick as the red watch leader, Hayley as the blue watch leader, Elangi as the white watch leader.