CLIENT: Gold Youth Voyage
FROM: Townsville to Cairns
DATE: 4 July 2022
POSITION: Pioneer Bay, Orpheus Is
REPORT BY: Red Watch
Our day started with red watch on the early morning shift from 00:01 – 04:00 where we took compass bearings to ensure we weren’t drifting off our anchorage. From there everyone woke up at 06:30 for a cold breakfast before a quick knot tying competition where the knot was a reef knot. We learnt its better to take your time and be smooth then try and go superfast.
At 08:00 we all went on deck to raise the sail and prepare for the day ahead. Due to strong winds and heavy rain, we had 2 reefs in the mainsail. That took us until 09:30. We started our next watch at 10:00 where we had to watch the deck and keep a lookout in the water and rotate through positions. About halfway through we did our first gybe of the voyage. That took us to the end of our watch at 12:00 where we then went below deck for lunch and time to relax. We used this time to warm up during this unseasonal cool and wet weather.
About 13:30 we arrived at Yanks Jetty, where we used the time to snorkel and crack the coconuts we gathered yesterday. We spent around 1 and a half hours at Yanks Jetty before we motored up to Pioneer Bay. We arrived at Pioneer Bay at 16:00 where we were given more time off to warm up and recuperate. We had dinner at 18:00, coinciding with Red Watches next shift. We once again took compass bearings and began to write this log.