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South Passage Daily Report


VOYAGE:                     General Public Voyage Manly to Hervey Bay

VOYAGE NO:               20210510

DATE:                          12 May 2021

POSITION:                   Coongul Creek, Platypus Bay

 REPORT BY:                  Red Watch

Our Watch started at 4am at a very calm Gary’s Anchorage in The Great Sandy Straits. At 6am we were handed a can of Brasso, cleaning rag and a polishing rag. We immediately turned to our Watch Leader and said together, “What do we do with this”? Well, we found out and soon the ship’s brass glistened in the dancing light of the morning sunrise.  We sailed up the Great Sandy Straits to Kingfisher Bay where we went ashore, walked along the beach, swam in the pool and enjoyed refreshments at the Resort. We returned to the ship and partook of another wonderful meal after which we hoisted the sails and headed into Hervey Bay with World Heritage Listed Fraser Island on our starboard side and mainland Australia on our port side.

We anchored at Coongul Creek in time for a sunset swim off the ship. Two of the crew accepted the challenge to climb the bobstay and kiss the mermaid for the spoils of victory and the reward and also the assurance of fair winds for our next day of sailing, in accordance with maritime belief. Our Skipper was the first to succeed, from several who tried and failed. One determined passenger was not to be outdone by the skipper and he also claimed success and shared the winning bounty of a……. Freddo Frog!

We are grateful to our Skipper and passenger, Tim, for their success as we were surrounded by lightening on all fronts but our ship remained at calm anchor under the Southern Cross and Milky Way.

It’s been a wonderful day and we look forward to what tomorrow will bring.

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