CLIENT: Saint Stephens College
FROM: Manly to Manly
DATE: 13 April 2021
POSITION: Big Sandhills, Moreton Is
REPORT BY: Blue Watch
After weeks of preparation and planning, we gathered at the William Gunn Jetty. Here we were quickly sorted into white, blue and red watch. In these groups we will be completing shifts, eating meals and participating in competitions. We hopped aboard the South Passage ship and organised our bunks, before receiving a briefing on safety and policies.
With all the help from the groups we then raised the sails and began sailing out to Moreton Bay. Throughout our early watch rotations we were given specific roles such as helm, starboard lookout, port lookout and deck check. These roles are frequently rotated between team members and involve a variety of jobs. After having lunch we practiced tacking and tying both round turn and two half hitches and reef knots.
With these new found skills, the blue watch destroyed the other teams in our rope tying competition by almost a whole minute. To finish off the day after anchoring, we jumped of the side of the ship and went swimming only to come back to a delicious and warm dinner.