CLIENT: St Philip’s Christian College
FROM: Sydney To: Sydney
DATE: 16 November 2019
POSITION: Quarantine Bay, Sydney Harbour
REPORT BY: White Watch V3
Today was great fun. We came out of Botany Bay and there was a descent swell so we all stood at the front of the ship and had fun. A few of us went out onto the bowsprit and there were dolphins that swam underneath us and the waves were so big that the top went under the water and we got wet. There was a shark and there were dolphins for majority of the trip.
We went swimming at the beach and looked at the quarantine station museum at Manly. We came back and had a two knot tying competitions and the red team won all of them. We enjoyed sitting around and talking about the day, sharing stories and connecting with each other. The water rocked the ship and it was like a big rollercoaster and was really fun being on the bow because the ship was going up and down over big rolling waves and it was like flying.