CLIENT: Silver Youth Voyage
FROM: Manly to Hervey Bay
DATE: 25 September 2020
POSITION: Big Woody Is, Great Sandy Straits
REPORT BY: Blue Watch
As the sun rose above the Great Sandy Straits, we polished the brass while turtles, dugongs and other marine life splashed in clear, calm water. As the rest of the crew began to arise from their slumber, the Blue watch team saw Charlotte have various attempts blowing the bugle. As the bugle sounded and we ate our delicious bacon and eggs, we started the day by catching the dinghy to Fraser Island. Members of the Blue watch decided to show their team spirit and paint their faces with blue zinc to stay sun safe. However, one of the members wrote BLUE on their leg and got a very large tan tattoo.
After setting foot on Fraser Island, we went for a swim and a bushwalk to the Z Force base. After lunch we set sail for Platypus Bay where the wind picked up and we gained valuable experience with a lot of tacking practice during our watch. We sought calm shelter for the night at the southern end of Big Woody Island and ate a beautiful roast dinner. We have elected the command day crew and are looking forward to taking over the ship tomorrow and showing what we have learnt over the past five days. Alex, Emma, Charlotte