CLIENT: General Public Voyage
FROM: Hervey Bay to Manly
DATE: 30 September 2020
POSITION: Tangalooma, Moreton Is
REPORT BY: Red Watch
Today was a long day at sea. Red watch was on watch from 4am to 6am. A pod of dolphins was seen behind the stern in the moonlight. There was plenty of time to enjoy the early sunrise. Pelicans huddled together on the bank and seabirds dove for an early morning smorgasbord of fresh fish. We raised the anchor and set sail at 6am from Inskip Point to Tangalooma. Crossing over the bar was quite choppy and once we crossed we saw a humpback mother and her calf breach spectacularly and flash their flukes. Further down at Mooloolaba a pod of dolphins amused themselves by surfing the wake of the South Passage. The sand cliffs along the coast really stood out and where multi-coloured in various hues from white, yellow to red. Once we were into the last leg of the sail we saw 3 large cargo ships. Sunset saw us approaching the top of Moreton Island and we sailed down to Tangalooma under moonlight.