CLIENT: Sydney to Brisbane Public Voyage
FROM: Sydney To: Manly
DATE: 12 January 2019
POSITION: Heading for Trial Bay
REPORT BY: Red Watch
Early in the morning we awoke in pairs and did anchor watch for one hour each between the hours of 4-8, then Phil rudely woke everybody up with a bugle call at 6am. After we got out of bed two people from our watch kindly cleaned the toilets for us whilst everybody else got ready for the day. And then we had breakfast, a choice of cereal or bacon and eggs.
After breakfast was over we raised the anchor, red, white and blue watch had set positions which sped up the process and made it relatively easy. Then we got in our places to raise the sails to set out to sea for 24 hours. At about 11:15 red watch washed our hands and prepared for lunch before our watch at 12pm. We got served burritos, we made them ourselves, but our perfectly amazing cook Hugh prepared all the food for us. Then when the clock ticked to noon we made our way onto deck for a 3 hour watch.
During the watch we tacked a few times and saw some dolphins, towards the end of the shift we set everything up for the next watch, who were taking over from us. Most of red watch had a quick nap or just chilled, up on deck, before dinner. Our next watch was 8pm-12am so we wanted to get enough sleep beforehand.
As time flew by it was time for dinner at 5:30. We got served a Chinese chicken stir fry with rice finishing off with apricot Danish with custard or cream for dessert, which was absolutely amazing. After dinner we had a little rest before we got ready for our watch. When the time came we had to rug up with jumpers, beanies and long pants as it was very chilly. We went up on deck and began our arduous watch for the night, during which we tacked at least 8 times in the dark and we realised that we are better in the dark than during the day. As time slowly passed by we got very tired waiting for white watch to finally release us. However they were a whole 10 minutes late so we had to stay up even later. PS: they made up for it today with releasing us 10 minutes early! Red watch plans to win the knot competition, defeating the competition of white and blue watch.