Daybreak saw us in a heavy breaking 3m swell approaching the Wide Bay Bar.
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South Passage Daily Report

CLIENT: General Public Voyage

VOYAGE NUMBER:  20240507

FROM: Manly To: Hervey Bay

DATE: 8 May 2024

POSITION: Off Hervey Bay

REPORT: Red Watch

Red watch started the day with the Midnight to 4am shift manned by 3 enthusiastic watch members and one green landlubber. After a few hours snooze we reported for the second watch. Daybreak saw us in a heavy breaking 3m swell approaching the Wide Bay Bar. Once over the bar we were in quite waters and sailed at a leisurely pace up the Great Sandy Straight, passing Garry’s Anchorage, carefully passing between Scylla and Charybdis, to Kingfisher Bay for lunch.

Several people enjoyed some shore leave visiting either the resort or the WW2 Z Force training facility. After lunch we enjoyed a leisurely sail up the coast and we are now anchored off Hervey Bay, our ultimate destination.

We continued the sail training we started on day 1. We raised and lowered sails, hauled on ropes and sweated halyards, belayed and cast off. Red watch could not have progressed so quickly without the expert guidance of our leader, Roger.

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