CLIENT: General Public Voyage
FROM: Airlie Beach to Townsville
DATE: 6 June 2022
POSITION: Moonlight Bay
REPORT BY: White Watch
Today was another really excellent day. We started early this morning, pulling anchor up around 0615. With the wind still light, we were under motor sail for Moonlight Bay, approximately 45nm north.
With the sails set, the crews made most of their down time. There was a lot of serenity. A few enjoyed lying in the bowsprit, while others gathered together for a ukulele-accompanied sing-along. Mick introduced us to the ship’s bugle, which was an experience for all involved.
As we sailed along, an attempt was made to fish off the back of the boat. Dad says that fishing is 10% brain and 95% muscle, and the rest is just good luck. We didn’t have any good luck today, and had to rely on the chicken Hugh brought along for our (very delicious) lunch.
We sailed past Abbot Point coal terminal. Apparently, it is one of the largest coal terminals in the world. I remember dad telling me about this terminal. Dad says it is a sign of man’s ability to generate electricity. He’s always saying great things like that.
As we arrived at Cape Upstart, we anchored in Moonlight Bay. We had a briefing about reasons to be cautious about going swimming, which included the sharks from Shark Bay next door, the crocodiles from everywhere, and the cone shells and other horrible things on the sea floor. We were also warned about staying to the tracks on Moonlight Bay at all times, due to the proliferation of Death Adders on land. We were wondering why we would ever want to leave the sanctuary of the boat, but then we met the lovely Ray and Viv, who are the relations of Red Watch’s fearless and all-knowing leader Dave. Viv put on an afternoon tea worthy of the Queen herself, which was particularly impressive because Moonlight Bay is not accessible by road, and all supplies have to be brought in by boat. The pumpkin damper in particular was fantastic, but there were also four types of home-made biscuits, two different types of sandwiches, and homemade jam. Some of us went for a swim in the sea after tea, and fortunately no-one was eaten, poisoned or attacked by any wildlife at all.
After thanking Viv and Ray for having us, we went back to the South Passage and had another great dinner courtesy of Hugh. Mick then showed us a very clever card trick, and Dave helped us solve a riddle that had been confusing everyone all afternoon. Mal was present, handsome and intelligent as ever. He is a guiding light for all of us in our every endeavour. Alice & Matt