CLIENT: St Margarets Bronze Voyage
FROM: Manly to Manly
DATE: 30 Sept 2023
POSITION: Big Sandhills, Moreton Is
REPORT: White Watch
We were sorted into watches of Red, White, and Blue, in those groups we organised our bunks. Our first activity we learned the basics of the vessel and basic knots that we needed to use. The first job was learning to use the Backstay. Following that activity, we pulled up the sails which tore our muscles apart. We then got allocated watch duties our group went second. These duties included a rotation of the helming, deck check, port standby and lookout.
In our team Jamie-Mae was a fantastic skipper, Maddie shone in her knot tying and Jemima M was a fantastic whale spotter. During this watch we were working hard as we had to perform multiple tacks and keep everyone safe and the ship on course. Some our leisure activities included Charlotte and Jia swinging in the Bow Sprit net, and Jemima G and Ms O’Brien jumping off the ship. The day ended with a beautiful sunset, delicious dinner and watching the Harvest Moon light the sky.